People with disabilities

The slowUp route and the festival grounds are easily accessible for people with disabilities. slowUp Zürichsee offers a whole range of services specially for participants with handicaps.


The slowUp route is flat and paved with asphalt. It is perfect for people in wheelchairs. There won't be any car traffic and it is very safe. Narrow sections with traffic coming in the other direction are marked. Please go slowly. In sections with pebbles, you will be able to bypass them on a different marked route. The entire stretch has traffic running in the opposite direction so you can shorten your trip and turn around whenever you want. 

Hills & Surface

Seedamm underpass in Rapperswil: 33m 9.3% and 6m 10%, otherwise no notable obstacles.

In Rapperswill, there is a section with stone slabs. An alternative route is recommended for skaters between Jona and Wurmsbach. Since this way has uphill and downhill sections and is longer, we recommend the normal route with its hard natural surface.


Wheelchair-accessible WCs
There are signs for the wheelchair-accessible WCs, and they are marked on the map and included on the WC list.

Electricity outlets
Um Ihren Rollstuhl-Akku zu laden, stehen entlang der ganzen Strecke Stromanschlüsse (230 V) bereit. Meistens befinden sie sich bei den Sanitäts-Posten (see map), oder das Sanitätspersonal kennt den nächsten Standort.


Arrival by rail and by ferry

Arrival from the left bank of the lake: Ferry from Horgen to Meilen, runs every 15 minutes, takes 20 minutes. You can find the railway and transport connections on the electronic schedule of the SBB. Meilen is a support station. For more information: Call Center Handicap SBB, 0800 007 102 (free).

Lake Zurich boat ride

The boats are operated by Zürichsee Schifffahrt and are generally accessible by wheelchair. Since there is always a very large crowd on the slowUp day and space on the boats cannot be reserved, a boat ride on the slowUp day is not really recommended.

Parking spaces

Parking spaces
New parking spaces will be defined in the next few days.
There will be parking spaces exclusively for handicapped people with disabled badges (make sure you bring it!) in Meilen at the SOCAR-fuel station. The parking spaces cannot be reserved individually. Since access to these parking spaces runs a little way along the slowUp route, you will need to arrive before 10:00 am. Departure will be possible at walking speed in the direction of the ferry during the closed hours from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

for futher informations
  • Geschäftsstelle slowUp  - see contact
  • Procap Sektion March-Höfe,
    Tel. +41 (0)55 420 39 70,

Special bikes

Reservations for Special bikes from Cerebral must be made by phone at Rent a Bike +41 41 925 11 70 (Deadline Friday 5:00 pm before slowup), pickup and drop off in Meilen at junction Bergstrasse/Seestrasse.

Nationaler Servicepartner Stiftung Cerebral

Die Schweizerische Stiftung für das cerebral gelähmte Kind engagiert sich als nationaler Servicepartner mit folgenden Angeboten dafür, dass die slowUp auch für Menschen mit Behinderung zugänglich sind:


  • Rollstuhgängige Toiletten: Sie ermöglicht, dass die rollstuhlgängigen Chemie-WC’s „ToiCap-Cerebral“ vergünstigt durch die Veranstalter bezogen werden können.
  • Spezialvelos: Sie stellt über ihren Partner „Rent a Bike“ an den meisten slowUp Spezialvelos zur Verfügung und kommt dabei für die Finanzierung auf.


Die Stiftung Cerebral unterstützt in der ganzen Schweiz seit über 50 Jahren mittlerweile über 9’000 Familien und Ihre cerebral gelähmten Kinder und verwirklicht zahlreiche Projekte für behinderte Menschen. Die Stiftung Cerebral finanziert sich hauptsächlich über Spenden und Legate. Die Stiftung ist ZEWO-zertifiziert und untersteht der Aufsicht des Eidgenössischen Departements des Innern.

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